Fuming to Ottawa Tour Hits Manitoba and Northwest Ontario

Author: Adrienne Batra 2004/06/06
CTF gas tax proposal wins support from Mayor of Brandon and politicians across Canada

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has invited both civic and provincial politicians across Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario to sign a petition in support of a Municipal Roadway Trust (MRT), which would give half of federal fuel tax dollars back to municipalities for roads and infrastructure.

During this federal election campaign, the CTF is embarking on a cross-country tour, in a campaign decorated van, of forty communities to build support for lower gasoline taxes and its Municipal Roadway Trust - a practical model for returning half of the federal gas tax revenues directly to municipalities. The full MRT report is available at www.taxpayer.com.

The CTF van will travel through Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario from June 7th to June 12th. CTF federal director John Williamson will host news conferences at Brandon's City Hall, Manitoba's provincial legislature in Winnipeg and City Hall in both Kenora and Thunder Bay.

The CTF's MRT allocates one-half of federal gasoline tax revenues to each municipality based on their contribution to Gross Domestic Product (apportioned on a per capita basis for smaller municipal units). The first round of the MRT would last for three fiscal years, giving municipalities a good basis for medium-term planning. In return, municipalities would provide the federal Auditor General with key information concerning the roadway projects funded, including their costs and other pertinent details.

The CTF proposal has won the support from the Mayor of Brandon and the Mayors of Yorkton, Melville and North Battleford in Saskatchewan.

Fuming through Manitoba & Northwest Ontario tour stops:

Monday, June 7th: Brandon City Hall 410 - 9th Street, 3 p.m. news conference

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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